Results for 'V. Aguilr Sebastian'

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  1. Aportación de los árabes nómadas a la organización militar del ejército almohade.V. Aguilr Sebastian - 1993 - Al-Qantara 14 (2):393-415.
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    The environment of the people: Chad Montrie: The myth of Silent Spring. Rethinking the origins of American environmentalism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2018, 200pp, $24.95 PB.Sebastian V. Grevsmühl - 2021 - Metascience 30 (2):219-222.
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    Satellite images as tools of visual diplomacy: NASA's ozone hole visualizations and the Montreal Protocol negotiations.Sebastian V. Grevsmühl & Régis Briday - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (2):247-267.
    On 16 September 1987, the main chlorofluorocarbon-producing and -consuming countries signed the Montreal Protocol, despite the absence of a scientific consensus on the mechanisms of ozone depletion over Antarctica. We argue in this article that the rapid diffusion from late 1985 onwards of satellite images showing the Antarctic ozone hole played a significant role in this diplomatic outcome. Whereas negotiators claimed that they chose to deliberately ignore the Antarctic ozone hole during the negotiations since no theory was able yet to (...)
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    Role of time in binding features in visual working memory.Sebastian Schneegans, Jessica M. V. McMaster & Paul M. Bays - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (1):137-154.
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  5. Generative AI entails a credit–blame asymmetry.Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp, Sven Nyholm, John Danaher, Nikolaj Møller, Hilary Bowman-Smart, Joshua Hatherley, Julian Koplin, Monika Plozza, Daniel Rodger, Peter V. Treit, Gregory Renard, John McMillan & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - Nature Machine Intelligence 5 (5):472-475.
    Generative AI programs can produce high-quality written and visual content that may be used for good or ill. We argue that a credit–blame asymmetry arises for assigning responsibility for these outputs and discuss urgent ethical and policy implications focused on large-scale language models.
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    Self-Compassion and Its Association With Ruminative Tendencies and Vagally Mediated Heart Rate Variability in Recurrent Major Depression.Julie Lillebostad Svendsen, Elisabeth Schanche, Jon Vøllestad, Endre Visted, Sebastian Jentschke, Anke Karl, Per-Einar Binder, Berge Osnes & Lin Sørensen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundRecurrent Major Depressive Disorder is one of the most disabling mental disorders in modern society. Prior research has shown that self-compassion protects against ruminative tendencies, a key feature of recurrent MDD. In addition, self-compassion has been found to be positively related to higher psychophysiological flexibility in young, healthy adults. To our knowledge, there is a lack of studies on how self-compassion relates to vmHRV in patients with recurrent MDD. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether higher self-compassion (...)
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  7. Aristotle’s Metaphysics V 7 Revisited.Sebastian F. Weiner - 2015 - Apeiron 48 (4):407-426.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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  8. What’s Right with a Syntactic Approach to Theories and Models?Sebastian Lutz - 2010 - Erkenntnis (S8):1-18.
    Syntactic approaches in the philosophy of science, which are based on formalizations in predicate logic, are often considered in principle inferior to semantic approaches, which are based on formalizations with the help of structures. To compare the two kinds of approach, I identify some ambiguities in common semantic accounts and explicate the concept of a structure in a way that avoids hidden references to a specific vocabulary. From there, I argue that contrary to common opinion (i) unintended models do not (...)
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    SAFO fragmento 16 V: El Deslumbramiento.Clavo Sebastián & Ma Teresa - forthcoming - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía.
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    Hermann Cohen's Critical Idealism (review).Sebastian Luft - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (4):668-670.
    Sebastian Luft - Hermann Cohen's Critical Idealism - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.4 668-670 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Sebastian Luft Marquette University Reinier Munk, editor. Hermann Cohen's Critical Idealism. Amsterdam Studies in Jewish Thought 10. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. Pp. v + 434. Cloth, $229.00. This anthology, the first of its kind in English, is devoted to a much-needed reassessment of Hermann Cohen's philosophy. Cohen was one (...)
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    Philosopy and Literature and the Crisis of Metaphysics.Sebastian Hüsch (ed.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.
    Short description: Part A : Philosophy, Literature, and Knowledge – Chapter I : Idealism and the Absolute – A. J. B. Hampton: “Herzen schlagen und doch bleibet die Rede zurück?” Philosophy, poetry, and Hölderlin’s development of language suffi cient to the Absolute – P. Sabot: L’absolu au miroir de la littérature. Versions de l’Hégélianisme’ chez Villiers de l’Isle Adam et chez Mallarmé – P. Gordon: Nietzsche’s Critique of the Kantian Absolute – Chapter II: Philosophy and Style – J.-P. Larthomas: Le (...)
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    De naturae philosophia: seu, de Platonis et Aristotelis consensione libri V.Sebastián Fox Morcillo - 1977 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Sebastián Fox Morcillo.
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    (1 other version)Review of G. W. F. Hegel, trans. W. Wallace, A. V. Miller, and M. Inwood, intro. And commentary, Michael Inwood, Philosophy of Mind[REVIEW]Sebastian Rand - 2007 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (10).
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    La dinámica jurídica de Jorge L. Rodríguez.Sebastián Agüero San Juan - 2024 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 60:70-95.
    Este artículo inicia con una esquemática revisión de las ideas centrales del capítulo V “La dinámica del derecho” del libro Teoría Analítica del Derecho de Jorge Rodríguez, para luego cuestionar algunas afirmaciones que, a mi modo de ver, no siempre tienen una justificación evidente, explícita o satisfactoria. De esta manera, específicamente, el artículo se centra en: (i) mostrar cómo las propuestas de Rordríguez constituye un desarrollo adicional o sofisticación de los planteamientos formuladas por C. Alchourrón y E. Bulygin; (ii) evidenciar (...)
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    segunda navegación del Extranjero de Elea.Martín Sebastián Forciniti - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0083.
    En este trabajo planteo que la “segunda navegación” que el Extranjero de Elea presenta en el diálogo platónico Político debe ser leída a la luz de las transformaciones que se produjeron en el funcionamiento de la democracia ateniense entre finales del siglo V y principios del siglo IV a. C., guiadas por la noción de pátrios politeía. Sostengo que si se toma en cuenta dicha perspectiva interpretativa, se evidencia que el Extranjero le concede al régimen democrático moderado que rige en (...)
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    Vite, Være, Gjøre.Herman Cappelen, Ingvild Torsen & Sebastian Watzl - 2021 - Oslo: Gyldendal.
    Hva vil det si å ha kunnskap om noe? Hva slags ting finnes i verden, og hva går det an å vite noe om? Hvordan bør vi leve? Hva er verdifullt? I denne boka søkes svar på disse spørsmålene gjennom eksempler fra filosofi- og vitenskapshistorien og fra etikk. Boka har 20 kapitler fordelt på tre deler. Del 1 – vite – stiller spørsmål om kunnskap. Del 2 – være – tar utgangspunkt i hva som er virkelig. Del 3 – gjøre (...)
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    Knowing, Being, Doing.Herman Cappelen, Ingvild Torsen & Sebastian Watzl - 2021 - Oslo: Gyldendal.
    What does it mean to possess knowledge about something? What kinds of things exist and can be known? How should we live? What matters and what has value? In this book, we seek to answer these questions by examining contributions from the history of philosophy, science and ethics. The book has 20 chapters divided into three parts. Part 1, Knowing, asks questions about knowledge. Part 2, Being, starts by asking about what is real. Part 3, Doing, is devoted to ethics. (...)
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    Innovación docente en materias geo-tecnológicas.Olga De Cos-Guerra & Sebastián Pérez-Díaz - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-14.
    Esta contribución, enmarcada en las V y VI convocatorias de proyectos de innovación docente de la Universidad de Cantabria (España), demuestra los resultados obtenidos tras la incorporación de metodologías docentes de gamificación y de creación de video-píldoras informativas en el contexto de aprendizaje de Geo-tecnologías. El alumnado participante mostró un grado de satisfacción muy elevado con el proyecto de innovación, alcanzando una media de 4.45 sobre 5 y las competencias de la asignatura se lograron satisfactoriamente. La experiencia es exportable a (...)
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  19. Conrad Sebastian Robert Russell 1937-2004.Pauline Croft - 2006 - In Croft Pauline (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V. pp. 339-359.
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    Herman Cappelen, Ingvild Torsen og Sebastian Watzl: Vite, være, gjøre. Exphil: lærebok med originaltekster.Herman Cappelen, Ingvild Torsen og Sebastian WatzlVite, være, gjøre. Exphil: lærebok med originaltekster.Gyldendal, Oslo 2021, ISBN 9788205529793. [REVIEW]Tina Firing - 2022 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 57 (1-2):103-108.
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    "Edith Stein and Gerda Walther: The Role of Empathy in Experiencing Community", in Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology: We-Experiences, Communal Life and Joint Action, ed. Ruth Hagengruber and Sebastian Luft (Dordrecht: Springer, 2018), 3 - 18.Antonio Calcagno - 2018 - In Sebastian Luft & Ruth Hagengruber (eds.), Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology: We-Experiences, Communal Life, and Joint Action. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 3-18.
    Gerda Walther[aut] Walther, Gerda has no developed account of empathyEmpathy; rather, she draws from the writings of early phenomenologists and psychologists on empathy. Generally, for Walther[aut]Walther, Gerda, empathy is an act of mind that permits the understanding of another’s consciousnessConsciousness and experienceExperience. Edith Stein[aut]Edith Stein, in many respects, lays the ground for a phenomenological account of empathy. Stein[aut]Stein, Edith’s treatment of intersubjectivityIntersubjectivity and the nature of intersubjective acts such as empathy draws greatly from Husserl[aut]Husserl, Edmund. There exist three primary sources (...)
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    Human Dignity: Final, Inherent, Absolute?Sebastian Https://Orcidorg Muders - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 75:84-103.
    In the traditional understanding, human dignity is often portrayed as a «final», «inherent», and «absolute» value. If human dignity as the core of the status of a human being did indeed have thos characteristics, this would yield a severe limitation for obligations that stem from the moral status of non-human animals, plants, eco systems and other entities discussed in environmental ethics; for obligations that arise from human dignity standardly take priority over the duties toward entities with non-human moral status. Yet, (...)
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  23. In my time of dying: how I came face-to-face with the idea of an afterlife.Sebastian Junger - 2024 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    For years as an award-winning war reporter, Sebastian Junger traveled to many front lines and frequently put his life at risk. And yet the closest he ever came to death was the summer of 2020 while spending a quiet afternoon at the New England home he shared with his wife and two young children. Crippled by abdominal pain, Junger was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Once there, he began slipping away. As blackness encroached, he was visited by his (...)
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    Problemy i diskussii v filosofii Rossii vtoroĭ poloviny XX volume: sovremennyĭ vzgli︠a︡d.V. A. Lektorskiĭ - 2014 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ politicheskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡).
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  25. Nauchnai︠a︡ kartina mira v kulʹture tekhnogennoĭ t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii.V. S. Stepin - 1994 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii. Edited by L. F. Kuznet︠s︡ova.
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  26. The force and the content of judgment.Sebastian Rödl - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):506-517.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    The Neo-Kantian Reader.Sebastian Luft (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    The latter half of the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth century witnessed a remarkable resurgence of interest in Kant’s philosophy in Continental Europe, the effects of which are still being felt today. _The Neo-Kantian Reader_ is the first anthology to collect the most important primary sources in Neo-Kantian philosophy, with many being published here in English for the first time. It includes extracts on a rich and diverse number of subjects, including logic, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, (...)
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    A new application of the modal-Hamiltonian interpretation of quantum mechanics: The problem of optical isomerism.Sebastian Fortin, Olimpia Lombardi & Juan Camilo Martínez González - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 62:123-135.
    The modal-Hamiltonian interpretation belongs to the modal family of interpretations of quantum mechanics. By endowing the Hamiltonian with the role of selecting the subset of the definite-valued observables of the system, it accounts for ideal and non-ideal measurements, and also supplies a criterion to distinguish between reliable and non-reliable measurements in the non-ideal case. It can be reformulated in an explicitly invariant form, in terms of the Casimir operators of the Galilean group, and the compatibility of the MHI with the (...)
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  29. Problemy dialekticheskikh protivorechiĭ v ekonomike sot︠s︡ializma.V. F. Shcherbina - 1977 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta.
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    Reconquer and divide: comparative standard-setting strategies among producer organizations.Sebastian Billows, Elizabeth Carter, Marc-Olivier Déplaude, Loïc Mazenc, Geneviève Nguyen, François Purseigle, Annie Royer & Allison Loconto - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-16.
    Food standards, which are used to signal adherence to sustainability goals or a specific origin, have deep political implications. Standards crafted by retailers, processors, or third-party actors such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) often disempower farmers. Moreover, due to the liberalization and globalization of many food value chains, producer organizations (POs) lost some of their legal privileges and market protections. This paper analyzes how POs in the Global North sought to regain their control over food markets by establishing their own standards. (...)
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  31. Filosofii︠a︡ religii i ee istoricheskie formy: antichnostʹ - konet︠s︡ XVIII v.V. K. Shokhin - 2010 - Moskva: Alʹfa-M.
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    Einleitung: Krise und Zukunft der Religionsphilosophie.Sebastian Gäb & Georg Gasser - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (5):672-682.
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  33. Globale Religionsphilosophie und die notorische Unklarheit des Religionsbegriffs.Sebastian Gäb - 2025 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (5):711-723.
    This paper discusses the project of a globalised philosophy of religion as proposed recently by Yujin Nagasawa, Victoria Harrison, and others. While this project is a laudable attempt to overcome the strict focus on theistic forms of religion in contemporary analytic philosophy of religion, it is argued that current proposals for a globalised philosophy of religion have ignored the important role of theism for giving the discipline its structure. Therefore, any viable global approach to philosophy of religion needs to delineate (...)
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  34. Reforma universitaria y desalojo estructural.Sebastián del Margen - 2015 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 14 (1):33-34.
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  35. Ethics.Sebastian Walshe - 2023 - Gastonia, North Carolina: TAN Books.
    How do we truly live well? Can philosophy actually tell us how to be happy? Constantly under attack in today's day and age, the Church's philosophy of what it means to be human and how to act serves as the logical consequence and culmination of all the truths of her theology and holy religion. But if we do not understand why we should act well according to the light of natural reason, it will be all the more difficult to explain (...)
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  36. Unfolding Feasible Arithmetic andWeak Truth.Thomas Strahm & Sebastian Eberhard - 2015 - In T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto (eds.), Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
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    El porvenir de Jacques Derrida.Sebastián Chun - 2012 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 17.
    ResumenEl porvenir de Jacques Derrida se juega en su reflexión sobre lo político, la cual gira a su vez sobre este mismo concepto: porvenir. Por lo tanto, pensar en la deconstrucción de lo político llevada a cabo por Derrida necesariamente nos conducirá a analizar algunos ejes que atraviesan la cuestión del porvenir: herencia, aporía, mesianicidad sin mesianismo e invención. Nos proponemos en este recorrido destacar la importancia del pensamiento de Derrida dentro del debate político contemporáneo y la herencia que nos (...)
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    Problemy gumanizma, religii i ateizma v filosofskom nasledii A.A. Gassieva.V. Kh Kusaev - 1994 - Vladikavkaz: Reklamno-izdatelʹskoe agentstvo Goskomizdata RSO. Edited by T. A. Eloeva.
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    Szkic anarchizmu aktualności. O pojęciu anarchistyczności.Sebastian Słowiński - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 24:171-204.
    Szkic anarchizmu aktualności. O pojęciu anarchistyczności.
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    Tiempo, subjetividad y dominación social en las sociedades contemporáneas: de la dominación abstracta a la ética neoliberal del tiempo.Vidal Labajos Sebastian - 2023 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 28 (2).
    En este artículo me propongo abordar el problema del tiempo en las sociedades contemporáneas desde un diálogo entre las construcciones teóricas de Moishe Postone y Hartmut Rosa y el trabajo de Michel Foucault. Los dos primeros se han centrado en explicar cómo la temporalidad se ha convertido en un tipo de dominación abstracta, impersonal y cuasiobjetiva a partir de conceptos como la densificación temporal, la aceleración o la hibridación. Foucault, en cambio, concibe el tiempo bajo el prisma de la racionalidad (...)
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    A Propositional Dynamic Logic for Instantial Neighborhood Semantics.Sebastian Enqvist, Nick Bezhanishvili & Johan Benthem - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (4):719-751.
    We propose a new perspective on logics of computation by combining instantial neighborhood logic INL\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathsf {INL}$$\end{document} with bisimulation safe operations adapted from PDL\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathsf {PDL}$$\end{document}. INL\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathsf {INL}$$\end{document} is a recent modal logic, based on an extended neighborhood semantics which permits quantification over individual neighborhoods plus their contents. This system has a natural interpretation as a (...)
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  42. Reflection and Rationality in Leibniz.Sebastian Bender - 2016 - In Jari Kaukua & Tomas Ekenberg (eds.), Subjectivity and Selfhood in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 263-275.
    Leibniz repeatedly states that there is a very close connection between reflection and rationality. In his view, reflective acts somehow lead to self-consciousness, reason, the knowledge of necessary truths, and even to the moral liability of the respective substances. Whereas it might be relatively easy to see how reflective acts lead to self-consciousness, it is much harder to understand how they are connected to rationality. Why should a substance which is able to produce reflective acts therefore be rational? How can (...)
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  43. Mirovozzrenie kitaĭskogo mysliteli︠a︡ semnadt︠s︡atogo veka Van Chuanʹ-shani︠a︡ / V. G. Burov.V. G. Burov - 1976 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  44. Chelovek i mir cheloveka: (Kategorii "chelovek" i "mir" v sisteme nauch. mirovozzrenii︠a︡).V. I. Shinkaruk (ed.) - 1977 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Cognitive Enhancement in Healthy Children Will Not Close the Achievement Gap in Education.Sebastian Sattler & Ilina Singh - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (6):39-41.
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    Dialectics of mindfulness: implications for western medicine.Sebastian Sauer, Siobhan Lynch, Harald Walach & Niko Kohls - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:1-7.
    Mindfulness as a clinical and nonclinical intervention for a variety of symptoms has recently received a substantial amount of interest. Although the application of mindfulness appears straightforward and its effectiveness is well supported, the concept may easily be misunderstood. This misunderstanding may severely limit the benefit of mindfulness-based interventions. It is therefore necessary to understand that the characteristics of mindfulness are based on a set of seemingly paradoxical structures. This article discusses the underlying paradox by disentangling it into five dialectical (...)
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    Kindred Spirits: Learning to Love Nature the Posthuman Way.Sebastian Engelmann - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (3):503-517.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    V.V. Rozanov: nachalo tvorcheskoĭ zhizni i osnovnai︠a︡ idei︠a︡.A. V. Belov - 2006 - Rostov-na-Donu: T︠S︡VVR. Edited by E. F. Tikhonova.
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    Vera i razum: evropeĭskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ i ee vklad v poznanie istiny.V. N. Trostnikov - 2010 - Moskva: Grifon.
    В форме увлекательных бесед показаны не только высоты и бездны европейской философии, но и значительные достижения русской философской школы, уходящей своими корнями в православное мировосприятие. Для всех, кто хочет научиться серьезно мыслить.
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  50. Problema "universaliĭ" v fizicheskom poznanii.V. I. Kuznetsov & S. B. Krymskii - 1987 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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